Thursday 14 July 2011

Pregnancy Wedding Rings

The morning light shone brightly through the beautiful stained glass windows of the centuries old twin-towered church of San Antonio. The small congregation of family and friends all stood around the baptism font to witness the parish priest pour the holy water over Rual’s head. Andrea, Lijana and Emilio, his godparents, took turns holding him during the ceremony and the star of the occasion behaved like a true celebrity.

Marc and Emilio sang Bach’s beautiful ‘Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring.’ Their strong voices filled the quiet peacefulness of the old church with such beauty that tears ran over Andrea’s cheeks and she quickly had to wipe away the evidence.

Andrea had only heard him sing once before; on Elena’s wedding where he sang her favorite Beethoven’s ‘Ode to Joy’ and ‘Ave Maria’ from Schubert.

Andrea’s skin was covered in goose pimples now and it had nothing to do with the fact that she had on a light rose and white floral dress with short sleeves.

When the ceremony was over, Marc joined Andrea and put his free arm around her waist. He hugged her close for a moment and with her hand in his and his god daughter on his arm they walked out into the sunshine.

Lunch took place at a restaurant on one of the loveliest stretches of the Tyrrhenian coast in the charming setting of the port of Vibo Marina. The large picturesque windows looked out onto the sea and gave the feeling of being on a ship in the ocean.

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